Every year we offer affordable trees
for conservation efforts.
Please look at our online shop for the
Spring Tree Sale and get the supplies you
need for your spring projects!
And don't forget to schedule a pick-up time too!
Tree Order Shop
Available for conservation practices applied to the
land for the purpose of controlling or preventing soil
erosion, sedimentation, nutrient runoff, or other water
pollution to maintain the sustainable use of soil
and water and other natural resources.
We can all do our part to protect our pristine
water. Natural Shoreline buffers, fertilizing lawns
and gardens with zero phosphorus fertilizer,
reducing, capturing, and cleansing runoff
are just a few examples of how
we, as stewards of this land, can help.
Hubbard County is blessed to have some of
the clearest and cleanest lakes in the State of
Minnesota. These crystal clear waters provide
a wonderful recreational venue for residents,
seasonal visitors, and vacationers alike.
Hubbard SWCD Office Hours are Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm, except federal holidays.
The Hubbard SWCD staff and can be reached at:
Crystal Mathisrud, District Manager at: crystal.hcswcd@gmail.com
Brandon Spain-Brist, Forest Resource Technician at: brandon@hubbardswcd.org
Jake Shaughnessy, Water Quality Resource Technician at: jake@hubbardswcd.org
Rachel Rudquist, Administrative and Bookkeeping Assistant at: rachel@hubbardswcd.org
Megan FitzGerald Community Engagement & Grant Reporting Coordinator at: megan@hubbardswcd.org
Jack Slipy Conservation Project Technician at: jack@hubbardswcd.org
Please call (218)732-0121 ext. 4 for information regarding private well water sampling through the RMB Lab services.
The purpose of the Hubbard County Soil and Water Conservation District is to conserve, protect, and enhance the soil and water resources of Hubbard County by providing leadership, education, and assistance.
The Crow Wing River CWMP is ready for public comment. Feel free to share the planning page link and the letter with people that may be interested in viewing the plan or commenting on the plan contents.