(218) 732-0121 603 North Central Ave, Suite 100. Park Rapids, MN 56470

Freshwater Festival

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Freshwater Festival

May 15, 2024

The Annual Freshwater Festival will be held at the Camp Wilderness Boyscout Camp for all area 6th graders. Students will learn about the protection, preservation, and conservation of water resources in an atmosphere of fun and learning. Hubbard County has substantial ground and surface water resources. Educators from the SWCD, NRCS, MNDNR, U of M Extension, Headwaters Science Center, and community experts will teach students about the different aspects of these waters and their relationship to other resources: wetlands, forestry, and wildlife through interactive presentations.

If your class is interested in joining us, please contact Claire at Claire.HCSWCD@gmail.com


May 15, 2024

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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$10 $20 $30
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