(218) 732-0121 603 North Central Ave, Suite 100. Park Rapids, MN 56470


Project Info

Product Description

Plantskydd® is an animal repellent developed in Sweden, now made in the USA from 100% natural ingredients with dried blood. It contains no synthetic additives, is non-toxic, and not harmful to animals or the environment when used as directed. Plantskydd® repels animals by emitting an odor that browsing animals associate with predator activity. It has been proven effective in extensive field trials against deer, elk, moose, rabbits, and opossums. View this information at www.plantskydd.com. Trees and shrubs should be treated before browse begins in spring or fall, and new growth should be treated until the plant has reached full size or leaf out. It lasts up to 6 months over winter and up to 4 months during the active growing season. A brochure on Plantskydd ® is available in the SWCD office. Plantskydd® is available in the following sizes and costs:

1 qt. liquid spray……………..$ 24.00 (ready-to-use)
1 lb. powder………………… $ 35.00 (mix yourself)
2.2 lb. powder………………..$ 60.00 (mix yourself)
1.3 gallon liquid………………$ 75.00 (refill your sprayer)
3.5 lb. granular……………….$ 33.00 (shaker bag)

Ordering Instructions: 
SWCD Office (218) 732-0121

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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