(218) 732-0121 603 North Central Ave, Suite 100. Park Rapids, MN 56470

Pilot Nitrate Testing in Southern Hubbard County

Project Info

Project Description

Hubbard County SWCD has teamed with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and has completed free nitrate testing of private wells in Badoura, Crow Wing Lake, Henrietta, Hubbard, Straight River, and Todd Townships. At this time the Department of Agriculture is compiling the results. Please look for information on this website and in local newspapers for the general results. Your information will be kept confidential.

Your participation in this testing event will help your county gain a better understanding of the local nitrate levels and will provide you with information on the nitrate levels of your drinking water. Nitrate is naturally occurring in the environment and is one of the most common ground water pollutants found in rural areas.

Aquifer Vulnerability Map

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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$10 $20 $30
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